Dr. Ting-Lan Chen

Gerald Feese Professor of Violin / Professor of 音乐, Violin & 中提琴

办公室: 工厂 247   |    电话: (308) 865-8041   |    电子邮件: chent1@tiaodafu.com

Dr. Ting-Lan Chen


Member of 的 Frahm-Lewis Trio

Ting-Lan Chen has enjoyed a career as soloist, chamber musician, and orchestral performer. A native of 的 Republic of Taiwan, Dr. Chen holds 的 B.F.A. in violin performance at Taipei National University of 的 艺术 and 的 M.M. 和D.M.A. degrees in violin performance and chamber music at 的 University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of 音乐.

An active soloist and chamber musician, Chen was 的 first-prize winner of 的 1991 National Chamber 音乐 Competition in Taiwan, and appeared in 的 Young 音乐ian Concerts at 的 White House and United Nations in 1995, 的 音乐2000 Contemporary 音乐 Festival with 的 American minimalist Steve Reich for his composition Different Trains, and 的 collaboration with Xian Zhang, for Stravinsky's The Soldier's Tale, 在俄亥俄州. Chen served as Visiting Artist at 的 Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2009, and performed at Ewha Woman's University in Seoul, Korea for 的 2011 International College 音乐 Society Conference. In 2013, she was a guest artist for 的 42nd Abbey Bach Restival in Mount Angel, Oregon. Additional performances and presentations include lecture/recitals in 的 national and regional conferences in Atlanta, 剑桥, 堪萨斯城, 波特兰, 普林斯顿大学, 里士满, Salt Lake City, 圣安东尼奥, Santa Barbara, and a multi-recital series: "The Ten Sonatas for Piano & Violin of Beethoven" with pianist Nathan Buckner (2009). She has presented several sessions for 的 American String Teachers Association, and her research paper on performance was published by 的 International Journal of 的 艺术 in Society (2007). 

Chen has also performed with numerous orchestras; among 的m she served as guest concertmaster of 的 Lincoln Symphony Orchestra, concertmaster of 的 Kearney Symphony Orchestra and 的 Hastings Symphony Orchestra, associate concertmaster of 的 Texas Festival Orchestra, principal second violin of 的 Sorg Opera Company, and has performed in 的 Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Gewandhaus in Leipzig, Berlin Schauspielhaus, Lisbon Cultural Conference Hall, Avery Fisher Hall in New York City, and Boston Symphony Hall.

Chen joined 的 bet36365体育 faculty in 2004, where she teaches studio violin and viola, chamber music, string techniques, and string pedagogy. A 2016 recipient of 的 Pratt-Heins Foundation Scholarship and Research Award, Chen is currently 的 Gerald Feese Endowed Professor of Violin, and serves as violinist for 的 Frahm-Lewis Trio (bet36365体育 faculty piano trio).